Registration & Setting
How do I become aibuyo member?
Please click “Member Register” on the top of the webpage. Enter the necessary information and click “Sign Up”. A verification letter will be sent to your registered Email, please click the link in your letter to activate account. You can either go to to log in or be redirected to your aibuyo management center after activation.
Note: When you enter the code, if you don't type right at first time, maybe the image of code is out of date, then you can click the image for refreshing the code.
How do I activate my account?
When submit your user information, you should receive an activation email. Click the link in the email to activate your account. If you don't receive an e-mail, it can be caused by the following:
1) Email typo: Please verify that you have entered your email correctly
2) Spam folder: Please check your spam folder
3) Rejected by your email provider: Please enter another email address
4) Register using Facebook Email: Please use another email address.
5) Aibuyo server errors: Please send an email to Aibuyo using the email that you used to register. Put Account Activation for subject title and make sure to include your username in your email.
Can I change my Email address?
Yes, you can. Please login, Go to “My aibuyo” . Then click “Change E-mail” on the top and enter the new e-mail address.
Can I change my user name?
Sorry, you will not be able to. Once selected your user name, it cannot be changed. Please choose carefully before you register.
What should I do if I forget my password?
You can create a new password by clicking here or the Help button on the top of our webpage. Please note that the new password will be sent automatically to the email that you used to create your account.
How do I change my password?
After you log in, please go to “My aibuyo”. Choose “Change Password”, and then enter the current password and new password.
How do I change my profile picture?
Please log in first. Go to “My aibuyo” on the right side of the page. Click Browse to find the picture you'd like to use and click Upload. The size of the picture should be less than 1M and only .jpg, .bmp, .gif extensions are allowed.